
My Story

Growing up in conservative West Michigan, I watched lesbian and gay friends and family members struggle to be accepted and be treated equally. There are gains and losses in this fight every day, and it is vital for LGBT individuals and their straight allies to stand up and to pay attention.

31 March 2011

An Out Gay Bishop: "It Gets Better"

The Bishop of New Hampshire for the Episcopal Church, a gay man, talks about the changing times, the Church and LGBTQ issues in the video below. He is known for being the first openly gay, non-celibate priest to be ordained a bishop in a major Christian denomination, according to Wikipedia. 

He says of being LGBT, "There's nothing to be healed from."

"God loves you the way you are."

A simple sentence, but extremely meaningful. Those in my hometown who are so against LGBTQ people should watch this video.

This is my very favorite of the It Gets Better campaign.

Take a look, you won't be sorry you spent two minutes on this video.


  1. You were right--SO worth watching. The message from Bishop Gene Robinson is pure Truth. I heard he was on many talk shows this week, missed it all. Can you link some of that here?

  2. thanks for sharing. i watched this while listening to "reflections of my life" by marmalade (happenstance). very powerful. thank the merciful gods it DOES get better.
    if you don't know the song i'm talking about it goes "the world is a bad place, a bad place, a terrible place to live. oh but i don't want to die" by marmalade from 1969. interesting accidental background music. made me think of some of the other videos you recently posted.

  3. I just listened to the song. That would make a very interesting combination.

    And do you remember which talkshows? Preliminary internet searching is bringing up nothing.
